MacDill Air Force Base Family Housing

Tampa, FL
“...transformed into a highly desirable and resilient community.”

Located near the City of Tampa, homes and neighborhoods at MacDill Air Force Base (AFB) are being transformed into a highly desirable and resilient community that not only exceeds the quality of the local area market, but incorporate the best planning and architecture design principles of the region.

The residential neighborhoods on MacDill AFB are located on the eastern side of the peninsula and are most directly joined by Bayshore Boulevard. The 27 Senior Officer homes in the Independence Park Neighborhood have views of Tampa Bay to the east from the Boulevard and residents in the Freedom Cove Neighborhood have views across the Base golf course from the south.

While reusing some of the existing streets, new streets create a traditional interconnected street system. A new neighborhood square at the heart of the neighborhood is accessed through a new boulevard allowing cars and pedestrians to easily flow through the neighborhood.

The neighborhoods at MacDill Air Force Base were built with new FEMA regulations that went into effect following Hurricane Katrina. These regulations were met while maintaining a strong sense of community, individual identity within the neighborhood, and homes built to withstand hurricane winds and flooding.

Project Web Site
project data

6,000 sf welcome center

Independence Park

- approximately 100 acres

- 174 units

Freedom Cove

- approximately 47 acres

- 157 units

Architectural Design
Master Planning
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