City West Revitalization

Cincinnati, OH
A sympathetic interpretation of Cincinnati’s vernacular residential architecture gives the new homes a solid character.

Seeded with a HUD HOPE VI grant, this revitalization replaced over 1000, mostly one bedroom, public housing apartments with a neighborhood of rowhouses and duplexes for families of various incomes and sizes.

The site plan subdivided the formerly disconnected “superblock” layout into a gridded pattern of regular blocks that connect to adjacent revitalization activities, the City’s greater West End, and Downtown Cincinnati.

A sympathetic interpretation of Cincinnati’s vernacular residential architecture gives the new homes a solid character that stands up to the best West End neighborhood traditions.  A fully amenitized Community Center, Live/Work Retail on the western Linn Street Corridor, renovated existing units and an aggressive scattered-site infill housing strategy in the larger neighborhood round out this comprehensive neighborhood revitalization program.

Project Web Site
project data

21 acre site

585 residential units

community center

retail space

$35 million HOPE VI Grant

Architectural Design
Code Analysis
Community / Stakeholder Meetings
Conceptual Design
Consensus Building Process
Construction Administration
Master Planning
Urban Design
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